The Inappropriate Status Update

Hey everyone out there it's your Nova Scotia virtual tour dealer with a little Facebook rant.

Sometimes when writing blogs about my virtual tour company, I get the opportunity to store up all the bitterness I collect day-to-day and spew it forth under the guise of �Opinion�. Today is one of those days so get ready! There are few things I find more pathetic and distasteful than people who misuse Facebook by posting inappropriate status updates or using Facebook as a weapon to hurt people.

Status updates are great (they�re probably my favorite thing about the social networking site), but sometimes they offer serious TMI. FACEBOOK is the 2nd most popular word that starts with an F and ends with a K.

You've all seen this type of update "i'm sorry our love/hate relationship has turned into a hate/please die motherf%^ *#r relationship"  Come on! It sucks you two broke up � but, keep it to yourself and get over it already. Do you really think the object of your aggression is going to read what you�ve written, sensibly digest and modify their behavior accordingly? I think not. Hostility breeds hostility.

Facebook is a great way to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers. You can update everyone on your life and you can do it all at once in a status update. Status updates are normally a very positive feature on Facebook. However, they can get you in trouble.

I finally had to block all of a �friend�s� status updates because I realized, over the course of a couple of weeks, that she was one of the most consistently negative people. Her status updates were a litany of how difficult her life as a stay at home mom is, how unappreciative her husband and children are of her many sacrifices, and so on. No one�s life is a bed of roses, but when Facebook status updates are your outlet, and that�s how you�re choosing to express yourself to the immediate world, then something�s wrong.

Ultimately, it�s up for you to decide where social boundaries exist in the digital world.  I really like this article of the 5 Do's and Don'ts of Facebook etiquette.

Book your Nova Scotia virtual tour today.

Nova Scotia Virtual Tours
Nancy Bain
Call now - 902-298 0052

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