This Diet Mistakes Often Do

This Diet Mistakes Often Do
Diet method is always synonymous with people who have weight problems will.

However, if some person has committed his diet properly?

As quoted from various sources, here are some mistakes that often do when on a diet.

Scales as reference

Often we only relied on the numbers visible on the scale without seeing the back of the body in the mirror. There are times when body weight remains the same, whereas decreased levels of fat and muscle levels rise, as this is the beginning of the body that begin to tighten.

Diet without exercise

If you've tried as much as possible to set a healthy diet, but weight does not also go down, try lifting weights. He could be an alternative to burning fat without fear of becoming muscular as men if not matched by a special supplement fitness.

Do not eat breakfast

The reason why breakfast is so important is, when you wake up, the body has been fasting for 8 hours more. The body requires nutrients as soon as possible, if not met, he will take the nutrients in the muscle and metabolism damage. Indirectly you have made the body loses its ability to burn fat.

Slimming drug consumption

Many diet pills that claim to destroy fat, but no studies to prove efficacy. Ads that look could be the work of photoshop. The fastest road and do not necessarily give it the instant you want.

Lack of sleep

You have to avoid all the above points very well, but your lack of sleep? Stress triggers the hormone cortisol will fluctuate and the body's ability to revitalize also reduced drastically. Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours and to sleep. Any hard workout in the gym until your meal program will be in vain if not quality sleep.


Beginning of each month or year, you have a myriad of resolutions, and one of them is having a good body. In the early days, you're so excited, but when boredom strikes, you prefer to relax at home with the excuse of being tired or too busy. Consistency is the hardest thing but that is what determines the success of your intentions.

Eating the wrong

Not eating or eating too little is definitely wrong. ideally, you eat three big meals a day balanced with a healthy snack twice. With small meals but often, the body is more easily digested and not easy to feel hungry.

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