Free Cheat Sheets Gratis

Free Cheat Sheets Gratis - Cheat sheet atau reference card biasanya berupa ringkasan fungsi atau tips penting yang biasanya disediakan dalam format PDF atau Image (PNG) dalam satu atau beberapa lembar saja.

Berikut daftar link web berbagai Cheat Sheet bahasa pemrograman.

Cheat sheets:
  • open Core .NET by Jon Skeet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy .NET Format String Quick Referencee [pdf] (
  • saved copy .NET Framework 4 and Extensions [pdf] (
  • open Regular Expression Cheat Sheet (.NET) [html] (

ActionScript W
Cheat sheet:
  • saved copy Flash ActionScript Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (

Ada W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy Ada Reference Card by DAINA [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Ada Syntax Card by DAINA [pdf] (

Cheat sheets:
  • open ADO.NET Entity Framework: Object-Relational Mapping and Data Access by Dane Morgridge [pdf] (

See also: .NET
Adobe Systems W
Official website:
Adobe Acrobat W
Cheat sheet:
  • saved copy Adobe Acrobat Quick Reference, Abobe Acrobat 8 Cheat Sheet [pdf]

Official website:
See also: Adobe Systems
AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript And XML W
  • open Getting Started with Ajax by Dave Crane [pdf] (
  • open JavaScript in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy JavaScript Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open AJAX Activity Indicators [html] (
Algebra W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Algebra Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
  • open saved copy Abstract Algebra Cheat Sheet by Brendan Kidwell, based on Dr. Ward Heilman’s notes for his Abstract Algebra class [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Review of Algebra by Thompson Brooks-Cole [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: Math
Apache W
  • open Apache Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy Apache 1.3 Quick Reference Card by Andrew Ford [png, pdf] (
Official website:
Apache Ant W
  • open Getting Started with Apache Ant by James Sugrue [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Apache
Apache Camel W
Cheat sheets:
  • open The Top Twelve Integration Patterns for Apache Camel by Claus Ibsen [pdf] (
  • open Enterprise Integration Patterns W with Apache Camel by Claus Ibsen [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Apache, Design Pattern
Apache Solr W
  • open Apache Solr: Getting Optimal Search Results by Chris Hostetter [pdf] (
See also: Apache, Lucene
APT - Advanced Packaging Tool W
  • open APT HOWTO [html] (
See also: Debian
Arduino W
  • open saved copy saved copy Arduino Cheat Sheet by Gavin Smith [pdf, png] (
Official website:
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange W
  • open ASCII Character Codes Table & Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open Web ASCII, aka Windows-1252 Character Encoding by Bob Stein, VisiBone [html] (
  • open open open open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy ASCII Table by Michael Goerz [tex, a4 pdf, letter pdf, png] (
See also: Characters
ASP - Active Server Pages W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Core ASP.NET by Holger Schwichtenberg [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy ASP / VBScript Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open saved copy ASP.NET 2.0 Page Life Cycle & Common Events [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 by Simone Chiaretta and Keyvan Nayyeri [pdf] (

See also: .NET, WebMatrix
Assembly Language W
  • open saved copy Intel Assembly 80x86 CodeTable by Roger Jegerlehner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Win32 Assembly Cheat Sheet by Peter Kankowski [png] (
  • open gcc x86 Assembly Quick Reference ("Cheat Sheet") by Peter O. Lawlor [html] (
Astronomy W
  • saved copy SOLAR SYSTEM CHEAT SHEET (metric) by Bryan English [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
AWK - Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan programming language W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy AWK (Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan) Summary (awk cheat sheet) by Peteris Krumins [doc, pdf, txt] (
  • saved copy awk Quick Ref compiled by Vincent Ledos [pdf]
Azure (Azure Services Platform, Windows Azure Platform) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Cloud Computing with Windows Azure Platform by Brian H. Prince [pdf] (

Bazaar (formerly Bazaar-NG, commandline tool bzr) - distributed revision control system W
  • saved copy saved copy saved copy Bazaar Quick Start Card [pdf, png, svg] (
Official website:
See also: SVN, CVS
Berkeley DB (BDB, Oracle Berkeley DB) W
  • open Getting Started with Oracle Berkeley DB by Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
BIRT - Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Project (BIRT Project) W
  • open Getting Started with BIRT by Virgil Dodson [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Eclipse
BlazeDS W
  • open Getting Started with BlazeDS by Shashank Tiwari [pdf] (
See also: Adobe, Flex, Java
Blogger W
Official website:
Blueprint - CSS framework W
  • open saved copy Blueprint CSS by Gareth J M Saunders, based on Help Sheet v.0.3 by Alejandro Vasquez [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: CSS
BPEL - Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) W
  • open Core WS-BPEL: Business Process Execution Language by Matjaz B. Juric [pdf] (
Official website: OASIS WSBPEL TC Webpage
Business Process Modeling (BPM) W and Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) W
  • open Effective Process Modeling with BPM & BPMN by Matjaz Juric and Ana Sasa [pdf] (
Official website:
  • open saved copy open saved copy ANSI C Quick Reference Card by Joseph H. Silverman [pdf, old version pdf] (,
  • open C Cheat Sheet by Jill Crisman [html] (
See also: C#, C++, GDB, Objective-C, OpenMP
C# W
  • open C# by Jon Skeet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Core C# and .NET Quick Reference by Stephen C. Perry [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy C# and VB.NET Comparison Cheat Sheet by Steven Swafford [html, pdf, doc] (
See also: C, C++, Java, Objective-C
C++ W
  • open saved copy C++ Quick Reference Sheet (Cheat Sheet) [pdf] (
  • open saved copy C/C++ Cheat Sheet (v1) by Jared Schiffman [pdf] (
  • open saved copy C/C++ Cheat Sheet (For your reference; this sheet will also be included in exams) [pdf] (
  • open How to Program in C++ by Matt Mahoney [html] (
  • open C++ QUICK REFERENCE by Matt Mahoney [html] (
  • open saved copy STL Quick Reference 1.29 by Yotam Medini [pdf] (
  • open C++ Containers Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open C++ Iterators & Algorithms Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open Shifting from C to C++ strings [html] (
  • open Cheat Sheet: Unicode-enabling Microsoft C/C++ Source Code [html] (
  • open Understanding C++/Quick Reference [html] (
  • open saved copy CPPTEST CHEATSHEET by Shane McDonald [pdf] (
Calculus and Analysis W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Complete Calculus Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Limits Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Derivatives Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Integrals Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Common Derivatives and Integrals by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: Math
Camera W
  • open Complete listing of common camera symbols [html] (
Characters W
  • open HTML/XHTML Character Entities in one page [html] (
  • open URL Encoded Characters [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open Character Entity References in HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 [html] (
  • open Reference: Special Characters [html] (
  • open HTML Entities Cheatsheet & Online Reference [html] (
  • open The Unicode Character Code Charts [html] (
  • open Free Unicode Fonts [html] (
  • open Windows - Alt Key Numeric Codes [html] (
  • open HTML Characters, Alpha Codes by Bob Stein, VisiBone [html] (
  • open open open open Webdings, special nearly useless symbols (e.g. ‘ O 6 þ ) Also DingbatsOne, DingbatsTwo, Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats BT by Bob Stein, VisiBone [html] (
  • open HTML Entiteiten (Dutch) by Ton Haarmans [html] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: ASCII
Chemistry W
  • open Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements [html] (
  • open Periodic table [html] (
  • open saved copy Math for Chemistry Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy 200 Ways to Pass the Chemistry Physical Setting Regents Exam [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Chemistry Salt Analysis Cheatsheet by Ankur Banerjee [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Basic Chemistry Conversion Cheat Sheet by B.Espinoza [doc, pdf] (
  • open AP Chemistry 2004 Free-Response Questions by CollegeBoard [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
chmod W
  • open Chmod chart [html] (
See also: Linux, Unix
Clojure W
  • open Functional Programming with Clojure Simple Concurrency on the JVM by Tim Berglund and Matthew McCullough [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Erlang, Haskell
Cloud Computing W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Getting Started with Cloud Computing by Daniel Rubio [html] (

Official websites:
Cocoa W
Cheat sheets:
  • saved copy Cocoa Framework (iOS SDK 3.0) by Alexey Nazaroff [pdf]

See also: Mac OS X, Objective-C
ColdFusion W
Cheat sheets:
  • open ColdFusion Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open CFSCRIPT ColdFusion Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open Getting Started with ColdFusion 9 by Terry Ryan [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Adobe ColdFusion Builder by Terry Ryan [pdf] (
  • open Leveraging ColdFusion 9 Exposed Services from Java by Mark Mandel [pdf] (
  • open Adobe® ColdFusion Web Services for PHP Programmers by Marco Tabini [pdf] (
  • open ColdFusion Builder 2: Faster Coding, Less Errors by Terry Ryan [pdf] (

See also: Adobe Systems
Colour W
  • open saved copy RGB Hex Colour Chart by Dave Child [png] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Web Designer's Color Card/Font Card by Bob Stein, VisiBone [poster 22cmx28cm, gif/jpg] (
  • open saved copy The 216-Color Webmaster's Palette Poster by Bob Stein, VisiBone [poster 46cmx61cm, jpg] (
  • open saved copy Web Designer's Color Chart by Bob Stein, VisiBone [poster 46x61cm, gif] (
  • open saved copy Web Color KiloChart by Bob Stein, VisiBone [poster 46x61cm, jpg] (
  • open saved copy Web Designer's Color Hexagon Mouse Pad by Bob Stein, VisiBone [Mouse Pad 22cmx24cmx0.6mm, gif] (
  • open saved copy CMYK Reference by VisiBone [pdf] (
  • open Web Safe Colors [html] (
  • open Colors from the Inside Back Cover [html] (
  • open Reference: Color Codes [html] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
Computer Science W
  • open saved copy Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
Continuous Integration (CI) W
  • open Continuous Integration: Patterns and Anti-Patterns by Paul M. Duvall [pdf] (
  • open Continuous Integration: Servers and Tools by Paul M. Duvall [pdf] (
Countries W
  • open ISO 3166-1 code list, sorted by English short name of country or territory [html] (
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets W
Cheat sheets:
  • open CSS in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy CSS Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open CSS Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open CSS Properties and Values by Dave Child [html] (
  • open CSS CHEAT SHEET [html] (
  • open saved copy Cascading Style Sheets 1.0 [pdf] (
  • open saved copy CSS Level 1 Quick Reference DeepX Ltd [pdf] (
  • open saved copy CSS Level 2 Quick Reference Benjamin Jung [pdf] (
  • open saved copy CSS 2 - Quick Reference Guide [pdf] (
  • open CSS Property Index [html] (
  • open CSS Shorthand Guide [html] (
  • saved copy Apple’s CSS Cheat Sheet [] (
  • open saved copy CSS2.1 Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open Core CSS: Part I by Molly E. Holzschlag [pdf] (
  • open Core CSS: Part II by Molly E. Holzschlag [pdf] (
  • open Core CSS: Part III by Molly E. Holzschlag [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy XPath, CSS, DOM and Selenium: The Rosetta Stone by Michael Sorens [pdf: Locators table, Locators groups] (

Official website:
Cue Sheet W
  • open Cue Sheet Syntax [html] (
CVS - Concurrent Versions System W
  • open CVS Cheat-sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy CVS Quick Reference Card Andrew Ford [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy CVS Quick Reference Card by Laurent Grégoire [dvi, pdf, TeX] (
See also: SVN (Subversion), Bazaar
db4o W
  • open Getting Started with db4o: Persisting .NET Object Data by Stefan Edlich and Eric Falsken [pdf] (
Official website:
Debian W
  • open saved copy refcard [pdf] (
See also: Linux, Unix
Delphi W
  • open saved copy Delphi Technical Reference Card 7.20 by Gulf Coastal Software [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Delphi Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
Design Pattern W
  • open saved copy Design Pattern Quick Reference by Jason S. McDonald [pdf] (
  • open Design Patterns by Jason McDonald [pdf] (
  • open Enterprise Integration Patterns W with Apache Camel by Claus Ibsen [pdf] (
Django W
  • open saved copy Django Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
See also: Python
Doctrine W
  • saved copy Doctrine Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
See also: PHP
Doctypes W
  • open Doctypes for XHTML docs / Doctypes for HTML docs [html] (
DOM - Document Object Model W
Cheat sheets:
  • open W3C DOM in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy XPath, CSS, DOM and Selenium: The Rosetta Stone by Michael Sorens [pdf: Locators table, Locators groups] (

Official website:
Domain-driven design (DDD) W
  • open Getting Started with Domain-Driven Design by Aslam Khan [pdf] (
Official website:
Drupal W
  • saved copy DRUPAL 6 PHPTEMPLATE THEMING CHEAT SHEET by Matt Vance [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Drupal by Matt Vance [pdf] (
Official website:
DTD - Document Type Declaration W
  • open Recommended DTDs to use in your Web document [html] (
  • open DTD in one page [html] (
Eclipse W
  • open Getting Started with Eclipse by Ed Burnette & Adam Houghton [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts by Jesper Kamstrup Linnet [pdf, rtf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Eclipse CDT Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet by Etienne Savard [pdf, png 300 dpi, png 600 dpi] (
  • open Getting Started with Eclipse RCP by James Sugrue [pdf] (
  • open Eclipse Plug-in Development by James Sugrue [pdf] (
  • open Eclipse Modeling Framework: Essential EMF by Ed Merks and James Sugrue [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with MyEclipse by Riyad Kalla & Jens Eckels [pdf] (
See also: BIRT, Java, NetBeans
Ed - UNIX Text Editor W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Ed Text Editor Summary (ed cheat sheet) by Peteris Krumins [doc, pdf, txt] (
EJB - Enterprise JavaBean W
  • open Dependency Injection in EJB 3 by Debu Panda [pdf] (
  • open saved copy EJB 2.0 Matrix by Eileen Sauer [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Exception Handling in EJB 2.0 by Eileen Sauer [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Emacs W
  • open saved copy GNU Emacs Reference Card by Steven Gildea [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Bash Emacs Editing Mode Cheat Sheet by Peteris Krumins [html, pdf, tex, txt] (
Erlang W
  • open saved copy Erlang Cheat Sheet by Nauman Leghari [pdf] (
See also: Clojure, Haskell
F# W
  • open Essential F# by Chance Coble and Ted Neward [pdf] (
Official website: F# at Microsoft Research
Facebook W
  • open Notes Cheat Sheet | Facebook [html] (
Official website:
Fedora W
  • open RedHat/Fedora command cheat sheet [html] (
Official website:
See also: Red Hat, Linux, rpm
Feed (Web Feed) W: AtomW, RSS W
  • open RSS and Atom by Dave Johnson [pdf] (
See also: XML
File W
  • open Every File Extension in the World [html] (
Firebug W
  • open Getting Started with Firebug 1.5 by Chandan Luthra & Deepak Mittal [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Firefox
Firefox W
  • open Keyboard Shortcuts [html] (
  • open saved copy Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts [pdf] (
  • open Firefox Shortcuts Sheet [html] (
See also: Firebug
FitNesse W
  • open Getting Started with FitNesse by Erik Pragt [gif] (
Official website:
Firefox Add-ons W
  • Vimperator (W, open saved copy Vimperator Keyboard Shortcuts Visual Sheet by simplicityroad [gif] (
  • Vimperator (W, saved copy Vimperator Cheat Sheet at Tux Training [pdf] (
Official website:
Flash W
Cheat sheets:
  • saved copy Adobe Flash CS3 Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Adobe Flash Builder 4 by Eric Daugherty [pdf] (
  • open Adobe Flash Builder 4.5: Develop for the Web, Desktop and Mobile by Holly Schinsky [pdf] (

Official website:
Flash Catalyst W
  • open Getting Started with Adobe Flash Catalyst by Doug Winnie [pdf] (
Flex W
  • open Adobe® Flex™ 3.5 Language Reference [html] (
  • open Very First Steps in Flex by Bruce Eckel and James Ward [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Adobe flex 3 cheat sheet [pdf] (
  • open Flex & Spring Integration by Jon Rose and James Ward [pdf] (
  • open Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2 by Peter Armstrong [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Integrating PHP and Flex by Marco Tabini [pdf] (
  • open Flex 4 & Spring 3 Integration by Jon Rose and James Ward [pdf] (
Official website:
Fonts W
  • open Free Unicode Fonts [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Web Designer's Color Card/Font Card by Bob Stein, VisiBone [poster 22cmx28cm, gif/jpg] (
Fortran W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Fortran 90 Reference Card by Michael Goerz [pdf, odt] (
See also: GDB, OpenMP
Freeware W
  • open Freeware in one page [html] (
FTP - File Transfer Protocol W
  • open Basic FTP Commands [html] (
  • open List of FTP commands for the Microsoft command-line FTP client [html] (
GDB - GNU Debugger W
  • open saved copy GDB Refcard by Roland H. Pesch [pdf] (
See also: C, C++, Fortran
Geometry W
  • open saved copy Geometry Simple Cheatsheet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Geometry Short Quick Sheets: Triangles, Angles [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Cheat Sheet for Geometry Midterm [pdf] (
  • saved copy Measurement Formulas [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: Math
Gift W
  • open Quick links to the gift ideas [html] (
Gimp W
  • saved copy Gimp Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Photoshop
Git W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy GitCheatSheet by Zack Rusin [html, png, pdf, svg] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy Git cheat sheet, extended edition prepared by Jan Krueger [svg front, svg back, pdf,] (
  • open Getting Started with Git by Matthew McCullough [pdf] (
Official website:
GlassFish W
  • open Getting Started with GlassFish Application Server v3 by Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Gmail W
  • open Gmail Shortcuts [html] (
  • open GMail Keyboard Shortcut graphical cheat sheet by Eric Schultz [html]
Official website:
See also: Google
Google W
  • open Google Help : Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open GoogleGuide [html] (
  • saved copy saved copy saved copy Google Cheat Sheets [pdf, png:page1, png:page2]
Official website:
Google App Engine W
  • open Google App Engine for Java by Marko Grönroos [pdf] (
  • saved copy Google App Engine Python SDK 1.2.2 [pdf]
Official website:
See also: Cloud Computing
Google Chrome W
  • open saved copy ChromePlus Mouse Gestures CheatSheet by Jakob Krarup [jpg] (
See also: Google
Google Maps W
  • open saved copy Google Maps Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Google
Grails W
  • open Getting Started with Grails by Dave Klein [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Griffon W
  • open Getting Started with Griffon by Hamlet D’Arcy [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Groovy W
  • open Groovy by Dierk König [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Guitar W
  • open saved copy saved copy Tom's Guitar Cheat Sheet [gif, pdf] (
See also: Music
GWT - Google Web Toolkit W
  • open GWT: Style, Configuration and JSNI Reference by Robert Hanson [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: AJAX, Google, Java, JavaScript
Hardware W
  • open saved copy Computer hardware poster 1.7 by =Sonic840 [png] (
Hadoop W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Getting Started with Apache Hadoop by Eugene Ciurana and Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
  • open Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint for Reliable Distributed Computing by Eugene Ciurana [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Apache
Haskell W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Haskell Cheat Sheet by Justin Bailey [pdf]
  • open Haskell cheat sheet by Wincent Colaiuta [pdf] (
  • open Haskell Cheat Sheet by Scott Turner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Haskell Cheat Sheet by Christopher Maneu [pdf] ( |
Official website:
See also: Clojure, Erlang
Hibernate W
  • open Getting Started with Hibernate Search by John Griffin [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
htaccess W
  • open htaccess Cheatsheet [html] (
See also: Apache, mod_rewrite
HTML - HyperText Markup Language W
  • open HTML/XTML in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy HTML Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open HTML5: The Evolution of Web Standards by James Sugrue [pdf] (
  • open HTML Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open (X)HTML Elements and Attributes [html] (
  • open HTML Tags a free online cheatsheet by VisiBone [html] (
  • open HTML & XHTML CheatSheet [html] (
  • saved copy HTML quick reference by Ian Graham [pdf] (
  • open saved copy HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open Reference: HTML Cheatsheet [html] (
  • open HTML CODES CHEAT SHEET [html] (
  • open HTML Cheat Sheet A list of common HTML codes and their purpose. [html] (
  • saved copy CDBurnerXP - HTML Cheat Sheet in PDF format [pdf] (
  • open The Funky Useful HTML Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet [pdf, png] (
  • open Core HTML by Andy Harris [pdf] (
Official website:
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol W
  • saved copy HTTP/1.1 Status Codes by Bryan English [html] (
Icons W
  • open Free icons [html] (
Illustrator W
  • open Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Engels > Nederlands + sneltoetsen; Mac | Win) by Ton Haarmans [html] (
  • open English to Dutch menu's and shortcuts for Illustrator CS4 (Mac | Win) by Ton Haarmans [html] (
IntelliJ IDEA W
  • open IntelliJ IDEA by Hamlet D’Arcy [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Internet Explorer W
  • open Iternet Explorer 7.0 Quick Reference Sheet [html] (
  • open Keyboard Shortcuts for Internet Explorer 6 [html] (
Official website:
See also: Firefox
IRC - Internet Relay Chat W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy wikiHow:IRC Cheat Sheet [html, pdf] (

Cheat sheets:
  • open IVR Cheat Sheet - gethuman 500 database [html] (

Java W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Core Java by Cay S. Horstmann [pdf] (
  • open Java 1.5 Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy JAVA Language Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • open saved copy JAVA Programming Guide - Quick Reference by Pinnacle Software Solutions [pdf] (
  • open saved copy SAX 2.0 for Java (Core) by deepx [pdf] (
  • open saved copy SAX 2.0 for Java (Extensions and Helpers) by deepx [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Java Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open Java cheat sheet for C++ programmers by Erich Kaltofen [html] (
  • open Core Java Concurrency by Alex Miller [pdf] (
  • open Using XML in Java by Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Java GUI Development by James Sugrue [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open Java SE 6 Documentation [html] (
Java EE - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy saved copy Java EE 6 Annotations by Chris Rennie (based on Java EE 6 API Doc Philipp Meier) [pdf, odt] (
  • open Getting Started with Java EE Security by Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
  • open Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform by Norman Richards [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 API Specification [html] (
See also: Java
Java Persistence API (JPA) W
  • open Getting Started with JPA by Mike Keith [pdf] (
  • open What's New in JPA 2.0 by Mike Keith [pdf] (
  • open EclipseLink JPA: An Advanced ORM Persistence Framework by Gordon Yorke [pdf] (
See also: Java
JavaFX W
  • open Getting Started with JavaFX by Stephen Chin [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java, Silverlight
JavaScript W
  • open JavaScript in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy JavaScript Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open JavaScript a free online quick reference by VisiBone [html] (
  • open saved copy JavaScript Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open saved copy JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference [html] (
  • open Regular Expressions for client-side JavaScript a free online quick reference by VisiBone [html] (
JavaServer Faces (JSF) W
  • open JavaServer Faces by Cay S. Horstmann [pdf] (
  • open JavaServer Faces 2.0 by Cay Horstmann [pdf] (
See also: Java, RichFaces, Seam
JBoss W
  • open Getting Started with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 by Scott Marlow, Jaikiran Pai, Shelly McGowan, Brian Stansberry, and Len DiMaggio [pdf] (
See also: Java
JDBC - Java Database Connectivity W
  • open JDBC Best Practices by Jesse Davis [pdf] (
See also: Java
jQuery W
  • open saved copy jQuery 1.5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Antonio Lupetti [pdf] (
  • open saved copy jQuery 1.3 Visual Cheat Sheet by Antonio Lupetti (WOORK) [pdf] (
  • saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet [pdf, png, bw pdf, bw png] (
  • saved copy jQuery 1.2 by Adrien Gibrat [pdf]
  • open jQuery Selectors by Bear Bibeault & Yehuda Katz [pdf] (
JSP - JavaServer Pages W
  • open saved copy JSP™ SYNTAX version 2.0 [pdf] (
  • saved copy JSP Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open saved copy JSP Syntax [pdf] (
  • open saved copy JSP Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open Essential JSP Expression Language by Bear Bibeault [pdf] (
See also: Java
JUnit W
  • open saved copy JUnit Quick Reference by Delphi Consultants [pdf] (
  • open JUnit and EasyMock by Michael T Minella [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Java
Languages W
  • open Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages (alpha-3/ISO 639-2, alpha-2/ISO 639-1) [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy Latex cheat sheet by Winston Chang [pdf, ps, tex, png:page1, png:page2] (
See also: MathML, TeX, LaTeX-Suite
LaTeX-Suite (aka Vim-LaTeX)
  • open open saved copy saved copy LatexSuite Reference Card by Michael Goerz [pdf, tex] (
Official website:
See also: LaTeX, Vim
less W
  • open Less cheat sheet by Mischa Poslawsky [html] (
Linux W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Linux Command Line Tips [html] (
  • open Linux Shortcuts and Commands [html] (linuxshortcuts.shtml)
  • saved copy Unix/Linux Command Cheat Sheet by Jacob [pdf] (
  • open open saved copy The One Page Linux Manual by Squadron [pdf] (,
  • saved copy Linux Administrator's Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • saved copy Linux System Calls Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Linux Security Quick Reference by Dave Wreski & Benjamin Thomas [pdf] (,
  • open screen Quick Reference [html] (
  • saved copy Command Line Interface Commands [jpg]
  • open saved copy A very brief guide to Linux by C. J. Rennie [html] (

Lisp W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy Common Lisp Quick Reference by Bert Burgemeister [pdf: a4 booklet all, a4 booklet four, a4 consec, letter booklet all, letter booklet four, letter consec; tar.gz (LaTeX source)] (

Logic W
  • open Logic gate [html] (
  • open logic gate [html] (
Lotus Domino W
  • open Lotus Domino URL sheet (Domino URL cheat sheet) by Tara Hall [html] (
  • open Lotus Domino Search commands (Searching via Domino URL commands) by Bruno Grange and Kevin Giles [html] (
Lua W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Lua 5.1 C API short reference (lists all the calls along with a short description of the parameters) by Ewald Arnold [odt, pdf] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Lua 5.1 C API short reference (lists all the calls with even shorter descriptions but also includes the stack layout of the ingoing and outcoming Lua values) by Ewald Arnold [xls, pdf] (
Official website:
Lucene W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Understanding Lucene (Powering Better Search Results) by Erik Hatcher [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open Official Documentation [html] (
Official website:
See also: Apache, Apache Solr
Mac, Macintosh W
  • open saved copy Mac-friendly Terminal Cheat Sheet [pdf] (

See also: Mac OS X
Mac OS X W
  • open saved copy The OS X Keyboard Cheat Sheet by Amduus Information Works, Inc. [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Apple Mac OS X Terminal Commands list [pdf] (
Official website:
Maple W
  • open saved copy Maple 11 Cheat Sheet by Margaret Yau. Mt. San Antonio College [pdf] (
See also: Math, Mathematica, MATLAB, Maxima
Markdown W
  • open Markdown: Syntax [html] (
  • open Markdown cheat sheet [html] (
Math, Mathematics W
  • open Mathematical Symbols [html] (
  • open open saved copy Table of Laplace Transforms W by Paul Dawkins [pdf, html] (
  • open saved copy MATH CHEAT SHEET by Cliff Notes [pdf] (
  • saved copy MATH 1401 SPRING 2000 CHEAT SHEET FINAL by JAN MANDEL [pdf]
  • open saved copy Mathematics Cheat Sheet for Population Biology by James Holland Jones [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
Mathematica W
  • open saved copy Just Enough Mathematica to Make you Dangerous by Joe St Sauver, Ph.D. [pdf] (
MathML - Mathematical Markup Language W
  • open MathML in one page [xhtml+mathml] (
  • open saved copy MathML: elements - attributes [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: XHTML, XML, XML Schema, XPath XSL, XSLT
Mathomatic W
  • open saved copy Mathomatic Quick Reference Sheet by George Gesslein II [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Mathomatic Quick Reference Card by George Gesslein II and John Blommers [pdf] (
Official website:
  • saved copy Matlab Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • saved copy Matlab toolboxes Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • open saved copy A Matlab Cheat-sheet (MIT 18.06, Fall 2007) [pdf] (
See also: Maple, Math, Mathematica, Maxima
Maven (Apache Maven) W
  • open Apache Maven 2 by Matthew McCullough [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Maven Repository Management by Jason Van Zyl [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Apache, Java
Maxima W
  • open saved copy A 10 minute tutorial for solving Math problems with Maxima by Antonio Cangiano [html, pdf] (
Official website:
MFC - Microsoft Foundation Class Library W
  • saved copy Microsoft Foundation Class Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
Microformats W
  • open saved copy saved copy Microformats Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [html] (
  • open saved copy Microformats Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
Official website:
Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Office Excel and VBA - Visual Basic for Applications W
  • open saved copy Excel III Cheat Sheet - Microsoft Excel XP/2003, Level 300 by SHARED COMPUTING SERVICES [pdf] (
  • saved copy Excel VBA Programming Functions [pdf] (
Microsoft Project (MSP) W
  • saved copy Microsoft Project 2007 Quick Reference Card by CustomGuide [pdf] (
Microsoft Visual Studio W
  • open Getting Started with Visual Studio 2010 by Alessandro Del Sole [pdf] (
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions W
  • open IANA MIME Media Types [html] (
mod_perl W
  • open saved copy Mod_perl Quick Reference Card by Andrew Ford [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Apache, Perl
mod_rewrite W
  • open saved copy saved copy mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
See also: Apache, htaccess
MooTools W
  • open saved copy saved copy mootools 1.3 cheat sheet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy mootools 1.2 cheat sheet [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: AJAX, JavaScript
Mozilla Thunderbird W
  • saved copy MOZILLA THUNDERBIRD CHEAT SHEET by David Tenser [pdf] (
Official website:
Mule W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Mule 3: Simplifying SOA by John D’Emic [pdf] (
  • open Core Mule by Jos Dirksen [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: ServiceMix
Music W
  • open saved copy Dan’s Music Theory 101 Cheat Sheet by Dan Goodspeed [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: Guitar
MVVM (Model View ViewModel) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open The MVVM Design Pattern: A Formula for Elegant, Maintainable Mobile Apps by Colin Melia [pdf] (

Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy saved copy MySQL Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy MySQL cheatsheets by Bob Stein, VisiBone [two wall posters 43cmx61cm or 61cmx87cm, jpg] (
  • open MySQL Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy MySQL Database Quick Reference by DeepX [pdf] (
  • open Essential MySQL by W. Jason Gilmore [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: SQL
NetBeans W
Cheat sheets:
  • open NetBeans Platform 7.0: A Framework for Building Pluggable Enterprise Applications by Heiko Böck, Anton Epple, MiloÅ¡ � ilhánek, Andreas Stefik, Geertjan Wielenga, and Tom Wheeler [pdf] (
  • open Essential NetBeans Platform by Heiko Böck, Anton Epple, MiloÅ¡ � ilhánek, Andreas Stefik, Geertjan Wielenga, and Tom Wheeler [pdf] (
  • open NetBeans Java Editor by Geertjan Wielenga and Patrick Keegan [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open NetBeans Tutorials and Articles [html] (
Official website:
See also: Eclipse, Java
Node.js W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Node.js: Building for Scalability with Server-Side JavaScript by Todd Eichel [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: JavaScript
Cheat sheet:
  • open open saved copy saved copy NMAP quick reference by Alejandro Ramos [pdf (eng), pdf (esp)] (

Official website:
Numbers W
  • open Hexadecimal Chart [html] (
Objective-C W
  • open Objective-C for the iPhone and iPad by Ben Ellingson and Matthew McCullough [pdf] (
See also: C, C#, C++, Cocoa, Mac, Mac OS X
Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) W
  • open Open Source Media Framework: Building Simple Custom Video Players by R Blank [pdf] (
Official website:
OpenCL W
  • open saved copy OpenCLTM API 1.0 Quick Reference Card by Khronos Group [pdf] (
OpenCV W
  • open OpenCVWiki [html] (
  • open saved copy OpenCV 2.1 Cheat Sheet (C++) [pdf] (
OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) W
  • open saved copy OpenMP Reference Sheet for C/C++ [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: C, C++, Fortran
OpenSearch W
  • open saved copy OpenSearch Cheat Sheet by Gareth J M Saunders [pdf] (
Official website:
OpenSSH - OpenBSD Secure Shell W
  • saved copy OpenSSH Configuration Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
Official website:
OpenVZ - Open operating system-level virtualization W
  • open saved copy OpenVZ Cheatsheet by Jesse Keys [pdf] (
Official website:
Oracle W
  • open Oracle PL/SQL Cheatsheet [html] (
  • open Oracle Relational SQL Cheatsheet [html] (
  • open Oracle Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy Oracle SQL quick reference by EM Group [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Oracle Server Architecture by Dr. Lars Ditzel [pdf] (
  • open saved copy ORACLE Server 8i Quick Reference Card by Dr. Lars Ditzel [pdf] (
  • saved copy Oracle Server 9i - Quick Reference Guide [pdf] (
  • open Oracle SCM Installation Cheat Sheet [html] (
Official website:
See also: SQL
org-mode W
  • open saved copy Org-Mode Reference Card by Philip Rooke [pdf] (
  • open $ cheat orgmode - Org-Mode Reference Card by by Camping, Heroku and, to a lesser extent, GitHub [html] (
  • saved copy Org-mode cheat sheet (russian) by vitya borisov [pdf]
Official website:
Perforce W
  • saved copy P4V Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
Official website:
Perl W
  • open perlcheat - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open Perl Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy Perl Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Perl Regular Expressions by Iain Truskett [pdf] (
  • saved copy Perl Regular Expression - Quick Reference [pdf]
  • open saved copy saved copy Perl Predefined Variables (perl's special variable cheat sheet) by Peteris Krumins [doc, pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Perl pack/unpack Summary (perl's pack/unpack and printf cheat sheet) by Peteris Krumins [doc, pdf] (
  • saved copy Perl Scripting Language Quick Reference by Johan Vromans [pdf] (
  • open saved copy PERL Win32 Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Perl Reference Card by Michael Goerz [pdf, odt] (
Official website:
See also: mod_perl
Photoshop W
  • saved copy Photoshop 7.0 Quick Reference Card for Windows [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Photoshop CS2 Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Photoshop CS2 Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh) [pdf] (
  • open Handy Photoshop Toolbox Reference Guide [html] (
  • open Adobe Photoshop CS5 | Engels > Nederlands + sneltoetsen (Mac | Win) by Ton Haarmans [html] (
  • open English to Dutch menu's and shortcuts for Photoshop CS4 (Mac | Win) by Ton Haarmans [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy PHP Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy The VisiBone PHP Skinny Sheet [8.5" x 11" (A4) size Laminated , gif] (
  • open PHP by W. Jason Gilmore [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy PHP 4 Quick Reference Card by Steven R. Gould [pdf, ps, tex] (
  • saved copy saved copy PHP cheat sheet (Classes and objects, functions, output control, regex) by Daniel Dev [pdf, png]
  • open PHP Cheat Sheet with special php syntax [html] (
  • saved copy saved copy Smarty cheat sheet for template designers [pdf, gif] (
  • open saved copy Apple's PHP Cheat Sheet [] (
  • open Getting Started with Integrating PHP and Flex by Marco Tabini [pdf] (
  • open Adobe® ColdFusion Web Services for PHP Programmers by Marco Tabini [pdf] (
  • open PHPUnit: PHP Test-Driven Development Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality by Giorgio Sironi [pdf] (
Official website:
PHP Frameworks W
  • open open open open saved copy saved copy saved copy Kohana (O) CheatSheet by Adam Stankiewicz [html, png, jpg, pdf] (
See also: PHP
Physics W
  • open Table of Physical Constants [html] (
  • open Table of Physical Units [html] (
  • open saved copy Physics Equations [pdf] (
  • saved copy Physical Science Final Exam Cheat Sheet: Energy, Power, Thermodynamics [pdf]
Tools: WolframAlpha
PostgreSQL W
  • open PostgreSQL [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Lorenzo Alberton. PostgreSQL cheat sheet [gif, pdf, png] (
  • open Essential PostgreSQL by Leo Hsu and Regina Obe [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: SQL
Probability Theory W
  • open saved copy Cheat Sheet for Probability Theory by Ingmar Land [pdf] (
See also: Math
Prototype W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy Prototype Dissected [png: 1280x960 on Black, 1440x900 on Black, 1280x960 on White, 1440x900 on White] (
Official website:
See also: AJAX, JavaScript
Python W
  • saved copy saved copy Python Quick Reference Card by Laurent Pointal [odt, pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Python Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open saved copy Python Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Python 2.6 Quick Reference [html] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Python 2.5 Reference Card by Michael Goerz [pdf, odt] (
Official website:
See also: Django
Qt W, Qt Creator W
  • open saved copy Qt Creator reference card by KDAB [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: C++
Quicksilver W
  • open saved copy Quicksilver Quick Reference [pdf] (
Official website:
  • open saved copy R Reference Card by Tom Short [pdf] (
  • open saved copy R reference card by Jonathan Baron [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Statistics
Regular Expressions W
  • open saved copy saved copy Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet [png, pdf] (
  • open Regular Expression Cheat Sheet (.NET) [html] (
Red Hat W
  • open RedHat/Fedora command cheat sheet [html] (
Official website:
See also: Fedora, Linux, rpm
Religion W
Cheat sheets:
  • open The Lord's Prayer in all languages [html] (

REST (Representational State Transfer) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open REST: Foundations of RESTful Architecture by Brian Sletten [pdf] (

RichFaces W
Cheat sheets:
  • open RichFaces 4.0: A Next Generation JSF Framework by Nick Belaevski, Ilya Shailkovsky, Max Katz, and Jay Balunas [pdf] (
  • open JBoss RichFaces by Nick Belaevski, Ilya Shaikovsky, Jay Balunas, and Max Katz [pdf] (

Official website:
rpm - Red Hat Package Manager W
Cheat sheets:
  • open rpm command cheat sheet for Linux [html] (
  • open RPM Cheat Sheet [html] (

Official website:
See also: Linux, Fedora, Red Hat
Ruby W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Ruby QuickRef [html] (
  • saved copy saved copy saved copy Ruby Cheatsheet [pdf, png:page1, png:page2] (
  • open saved copy Ruby Language QuickRef by Ryan Davis with Austin Ziegler [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Ruby Library QuickRef by Ryan Davis with Austin Ziegler [pdf] (
  • open Essential Ruby by Melchior Brislinger and Peter Cooper [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy saved copy Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
  • open saved copy RubyOnRails-Cheatsheet by Blaine Kendall [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Ruby on Rails cheat sheet guide [pdf] (
  • open saved copy What Goes Where a Ruby on Rails cheat sheet by Amy Hoy [pdf] (
  • open Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2 by Peter Armstrong [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Ruby
Sandcastle W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy Sandcastle and Sandcastle Help File Builder by Michael Sorens [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open saved copy Taming Sandcastle: A .NET Programmer's Guide to Documenting Your Code by Michael Sorens [pdf] (
Official websites:
See also: .NET
Scala W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy Scala Cheat Sheet [pdf] (

Official website:
Scalability W and High Availability W
  • open Scalability & High Availability by Eugene Ciurana [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with NoSQL and Data Scalability by Eugene Ciurana [pdf] (
See also: Cloud Computing
Science W
Screen - Screen VT100/ANSI Terminal Emulator W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Screen VT100/ANSI Terminal Emulator Cheat Sheet by Peteris Krumins [pdf, tex, txt] (
Seam W
  • open Core Seam by Jacob Orshalick [pdf] (
  • open Seam UI by Jacob Orshalick [pdf] (
Official website:
Sed - Stream EDitor W
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Sed Command Summary (sed cheat sheet) by Peteris Krumins [doc, pdf, txt] (
Selenium W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Getting Started with Selenium by Frank Cohen [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy XPath, CSS, DOM and Selenium: The Rosetta Stone by Michael Sorens [pdf: Locators table, Locators groups] (

Official website:
See also: CSS, DOM, XPath
Sendmail W
  • saved copy Sendmail Configuration Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
Official website:
ServiceMix (Apache ServiceMix) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open ServiceMix 4.2: The Apache Open Source ESB by Jos Dirksen [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with ServiceMix 4.0 by Jos Dirksen [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Apache, Mule
Shell script W W
  • open saved copy UNIX / Linux Shell Cheat Sheet by Steve Parker [pdf] (
  • open saved copy SHELL PROGRAMMING QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE by Michael Oliveri [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Bourne Shell Quick Reference Card by Hooman Baradaran [pdf] (
  • open Unix/Linux shell script reference [html] (
  • open Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide [pdf] (
Silverlight W
  • open Silverlight 2 by Chad A. Campbell [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Silverlight and Expression Blend by Victor Gaudioso [pdf] (
  • open Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows® Phone 7 by Colin Melia [pdf] (
See also: JavaFX, Flash, Flex
Smile, Emoticon W
  • open Japanese Smileys (Emoticons) [html] (
Social Bookmarks W
  • open 30 Social Bookmarks 'Add to' footer links for blogs [html] (
Solaris W
  • saved copy Sun Solaris Administrator's Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Unix
Spring Framework W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Spring Configuration by Craig Walls [pdf] (
  • open Spring Web Flow W by Craig Walls [pdf] (
  • open Spring Annotations by Craig Walls [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Spring-DM by Craig Walls [pdf] (
  • open Flex & Spring Integration by Jon Rose and James Ward [pdf] (
  • open Flex 4 & Spring 3 Integration by Jon Rose and James Ward [pdf] (
  • open Expression-Based Authorization with Spring Security 3 by Willie Wheeler [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Flex, Java, Spring Roo
Spring Roo W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Spring Roo: Open-Source Rapid Application Development for Java by Stefan Schmidt [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Java, Spring Framework
SQL - Structured Query Language W
  • open SQL in one page [html] (
  • open SQL Cheatsheet [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy SQL Cheat Sheet [pdf, gif] (
  • open SQL Injection Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy SQL Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
SQL Server W
  • open saved copy saved copy SQL Server Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
See also: SQL, Sybase
SSI - Server Side Includes (mod_include) W
  • open SSI in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy Server Side Includes Quick Reference Card [pdf] (
See also: Apache
Statistics and Data Analysis W
  • open saved copy Statistics Reference Cheatsheet: The Basic Principles Of Statistics For Introductory Courses [pdf] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Statistics Cheat Sheet by Mr. Roth [pdf, doc] (
  • open open open saved copy Engineering Statistics Cheat Sheet #1 [pdf] (
Tools: WolframAlpha
See also: Math, R
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics W
  • open SVG Visual Cheat Sheet by Alexander Krassotkin [html] (
Official website:
SVN (Subversion) - version control system W
  • open saved copy saved copy Subversion Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [pdf, png] (
  • open Subversion Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy Subversion Quick Reference Card by Cezary Sobaniec [pdf]
  • open saved copy Cheat Sheet Subversion by Lucas Baltes [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Subversion® Quick Reference Card by [pdf] (
See also: CVS, Bazaar
Sybase W
  • open Sybase SQL Server 11 [html] (
See also: SQL
Symfony W
  • open saved copy Admin Generator cheat sheet [pdf] (
  • open saved copy symfony cheat-sheet: Criteria/Criterion/RS by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - Database Schema by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - Model (Modelo) by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - View: partials, components, slots and component slots (DRY - Partials, Components, Slots e Component Slots do symfony) by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - View by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - Server Validation (Validação no Servidor) by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - Helpers Part 2 - FORMS (Form Helpers) by Andréia Bohner [pdf, jpg] (
  • open saved copy Symfony Cheat-Sheet - Helpers Part 1 - JAVASCRIP (JS) and AJAX (remote calls) (Helpers Javascript e Ajax) by Andréia Bohner [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Symfony Cheat Sheet - Directory Structure and CLI (Estrutura de diretório e CLI (linha de comando)) by Andréia Bohner [pdf, jpg] (
See also: PHP
Tapestry W
  • open Apache Tapestry 5.0 by Howard M. Lewis Ship [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Apache, Design Pattern, Java
Tcl/Tk - Tool Command Language W
  • saved copy Tcl/Tk Sripting Language Quick Reference by Paul Raines [pdf] (
Official website:
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol W
  • open TCP Ports list [html] (
  • open saved copy TeX Quick Reference Card by Joseph H. Silverman [pdf] (
  • open saved copy AMSTeX Reference Card 1.3 by Joseph H. Silverman [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: LaTeX, MathML
TLDs - Top-level domains W
  • open saved copy VisiBone Country Chart [poster 122cm×61cm or 86cm×43cm, jpg] (
  • open Country Code Splist VisiBone's “split list” of Internet Country Codes [html] (
TLS - Transport Layer Security; SSL - Secure Sockets Layer W
  • saved copy SSL Handshake With Two Way Authentication with Certificates by Christian Friedrich [pdf]
Trigonometry, Trig W
  • open open saved copy saved copy Trig Cheat Sheet by Paul Dawkins [pdf, pdf reduced] (
See also: Math
Twitter W
  • open saved copy Twitter Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
Official website:
Ubuntu W
  • open saved copy Ubuntu Cheat Sheet by Jacob Peddicord [html] (
Official website:
See also: Linux, Unix
UML - Unified Modeling Language W
  • open saved copy Allen Holub's UML Quick Reference [html] (
  • open saved copy UML Quick Reference Card by Laurent Grégoire [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with UML by James Sugrue [pdf zip] (
Unicode W
  • open The Unicode Character Code Charts [html] (
  • open Free Unicode Fonts [html] (
  • open Die Unicode-Datenbank [html] (
  • open HTML Characters, Numeric Codes, 0-65535 by Bob Stein, VisiBone [html] (
Official website:
See also: Characters
Unix W
  • saved copy Commonly used UNIX commands by Indiana Univ [pdf] (
  • open saved copy UNIX commands reference card by University Technology Information Services [pdf] (
  • open Treebeard's Unix Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy UNIX BASH shell Quick Reference by Arnold Robbins [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Set Operations in the Unix Shell Simplified by Peteris Krumins [html, pdf, txt] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy The Definitive Guide to Bash Command Line History by Peteris Krumins [html, pdf, tex, txt] (
See also: chmod, Debian, Linux, Solaris, Ubuntu, Vi, Vim
Vaadin W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Vaadin: A Familiar Way to Build Web Apps with Java by Marko Grönroos [pdf zip] (
  • open Getting Started with Vaadin by Marko Grönroos [pdf zip] (
Documentation, Books, Articles, Video:
  • open saved copy Book of Vaadin: Vaadin 6.4 by Marko Grönroos [pdf] (
  • open Official step by step video tutorial (
Official website:
VBScript - Visual Basic Scripting Edition W
  • open saved copy saved copy ASP / VBScript Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png, pdf] (
VxCFS, VCS - Veritas Cluster File System W
  • open saved copy Veritas Cluster Cheat sheet [pdf] (
Vi W
  • open Vi Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open open saved copy Don's other stuff by Donald J. Bindner [html, pdf] (,
  • saved copy UNIX Vi Editor Quick Reference by Ying Zhang [pdf] (
  • open saved copy vi Reference Card by HP [pdf] (
  • open saved copy vi Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial [,] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy Working Productively in Bash’s Vi Command Line Editing Mode (with Cheat Sheet) by Peteris Krumins [html, pdf, tex, txt] (
  • open open saved copy Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial [gif] (
See also: Vim
Vim - Vi IMproved W
  • open Vim Commands Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • open saved copy saved copy saved copy saved copy VIM Quick Reference Card by Laurent Grégoire [html, dvi, pdf, tex] (
  • open saved copy saved copy Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial [,] (
  • open saved copy Vim Cheatsheet by Andrea Benazzo [png] (
  • open open saved copy saved copy Vim Reference Card by Michael Goerz [pdf, TeX] (
  • open open saved copy Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial [gif] (
Official website:
See also: Vi, LaTeX-Suite
Virtualization W
  • open Getting Started with Virtualization by Edward L. Haletky [pdf] (
See also: VMware
Visual Basic W W
  • saved copy Microsoft Visual Basic Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • open saved copy VB.NET Quick Reference by Kellerman Software [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy C# and VB.NET Comparison Cheat Sheet by Steven Swafford [html, pdf, doc] (
See also: .NET, ASP, C#, Visual Basic
VMware (VI) W
  • open saved copy VI3 card - VMware's Virtual Infrastructure 3 (VI3) ESX environments by Forbes [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: Virtualization
VoiceXML - Voice Markup Language W
Cheat sheet:
  • open saved copy VoiceXML: elements - attributes [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: XHTML, XML, XML Schema, XPath XSL, XSLT
WebMatrix W
Cheat sheet:
  • open WebMatrix: Advanced Web Development Made Simple by James Sugrue [pdf] (
Documentation, Books, Articles:
  • open Learn WebMatrix [html] (
See also: ASP
Wicket (Apache Wicket) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open Getting Started with Apache Wicket by Andrew Lombardi [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Apache
Wikipedia W
  • open Wikipedia Cheatsheet [html] (
  • open saved copy Wiki-refcard [png] (
  • open saved copy User contributions detail [png] (
  • open saved copy Reference card of MediaWiki editing commands, by mjanich. [pdf] (
  • open saved copy Reference card of MediaWiki editing commands, by mjanich. [PNG] (
  • open saved copy MediaWiki Cheatsheet [pdf] (
Official website:
Windows W
  • open An A-Z Index of the Windows NT/XP command line [html] (
  • saved copy Windows Resources Kits Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
  • saved copy Windows Important Directories and Files Quick Reference by Jialong He [pdf] (
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) W
Cheat sheet:
  • open Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 by Scott Seely [pdf] (

See also: Windows, .NET
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy WPF Binding CheatSheet version 1.1 by NBD Tech [pdf] (
  • open saved copy XAML for WPF Cheat Sheet by [pdf] (
  • open Getting Started with Windows Presentation Foundation by Christopher Bennage and Rob Eisenberg [pdf] (
  • open WPF Controls - A Visual Quick Start by Josh Fischer [html] (
  • open WPF Wonders: An Alphabetical Compendium of WPF Controls by Rod Stephens [html] (

See also: Windows, .NET
Windows PowerShell W
Cheat sheet:
  • open WindowsPowerShell by Bruce Payette [pdf] (

Official website:
See also: Windows
WordPress W
  • open Official WordPress Theme Architecture Outline and Cheat Sheet [html] (
  • saved copy WordPress Plugin API Cheat Sheet [png] (
  • saved copy WordPress Theme Cheat Sheet [png] (
  • open saved copy WordPress Cheat Sheet by Andy Wibbels [pdf] (
  • saved copy HeadZoo WordPress Plugin API Cheatsheet [png] (
  • saved copy saved copy Wordpress Helper Sheet [, txt]
Official website:
World of Warcraft W
  • open saved copy World of Warcraft Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [png] (
XHTML - eXtensible HyperText Markup Language W
  • open HTML/XHTML in one page [html] (
  • saved copy XHTML Cheat Sheet [pdf] (
  • open (X)HTML Elements and Attributes [html] (
  • open HTML & XHTML CheatSheet [html] (
  • open saved copy HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open saved copy fcXHTML Reference [] (
Official website:
XML - eXtensible Markup Language W
  • open XML in one page [html] (
  • open saved copy XML 1.0 Syntax Quick Reference by Mulberry Technologies, Inc. [pdf] (
  • open Using XML in Java by Masoud Kalali [pdf] (
Official website:
XML Schema W
  • open saved copy XML Schema - Structures Quick Reference Card by Dan Vint [pdf] (
  • open saved copy XML Schema - Data Types Quick Reference Card by Dan Vint [pdf] (
Official website:
See also: MathML, XHTML, XML, XPath, XSL, XSLT
XPath W
Cheat sheets:
  • open saved copy XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open saved copy XPath by DeepX Ltd [pdf] (
  • open saved copy saved copy XPath, CSS, DOM and Selenium: The Rosetta Stone by Michael Sorens [pdf: Locators table, Locators groups] (

Official website:
XSL - Extensible Stylesheet Language W
  • open saved copy Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 1.0 by deepx [pdf] (
See also: MathML, XHTML, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XSLT
Official website:
XSLT - Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations W
  • open saved copy XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 Quick Reference [pdf] (
  • open saved copy XSLT 1.0 Quick Reference by DeepX Ltd [pdf] (
  • open XSLT Referencee [html] (
Official website:
See also: MathML, XHTML, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XSL
XSS - Cross Site Scripting W
  • open XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet [html] (
Yahoo W
  • open Yahoo Search Shortcuts-Yahoo Cheat Sheet [html] (
Official website:
Zen Coding W
  • open saved copy Zen HTML Elements (Based on HTML 5 specification draft) [pdf] (

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