# iTechFire Hot Dance 1.8 (IHD) - Auto Audition - 03-07-09
M? 300 t�i kho?n chung. T?ng th�m 4 ng�y s? d?ng cho c�c Tk donate dang k� tru?c ng�y 03-07-09
Fix l?i auto nh?y d�i ? phi�n b?n 1.7
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1 s? luu �:
Auto Beat Up ch? ho?t d?ng khi b?t Del (del b?ng n�t Enter b�n tay ph?i [numlock] )
Kh�ng du?c nh?n F9 n?u kh�ng s? b? Dis Au.
t�y ch?nh card m�n h�nh: v�o Control Panel c?a card m�n h�nh.=> 3D setting =>
C�ch 2: Ch?nh ch? d? Vertical Sync = Force Off
V�o d�y d? xem hu?ng d?n chi ti?t => http://itechfire.com/group/forum/showthread.php?t=199
http://users1.titanichost.com/romeo454/VkVn.zip <--- link down font cho ai b? l?i font. Gi?i n�n, ch�p v�o thu m?c Fonts (m?c d�nh l� C:\Windows\Fonts) H�nh d�nh k�m:
H�nh hu?ng d?n dang k� d�ng th?:
Nyang ini bahasanya ngak Asing lagi bagi temen2 silakn di coba dah...
-Window: Canh Perfect Pro 95% (instead of normal hours click -> [Space] is
click Window -> increase to 95% perfect)
[Window] is between the male `[Ctrl] and [Alt]
-F3: Enable Auto Ctrl
-F4: Disable 'Auto Ctrl
-F5: Enable Auto F1
-F6: Turn off 'Auto F1
-F7: Enabling Auto Space
-F8: Turn off Auto Space
... +: Increase Auto Space coordinates
... -: Discount Auto Space coordinates
-Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)
-CapsLock: Auto BeatUp
-F10: Perfect Hack
-F11: Auto Cherco - Dinamic - FreeSyle - Crazy
-F12: Off -> Auto Arrows, double jump auto, auto beatUp
Pemakain masih sama dengan Rhd yang dulu..
dengan id dancer01....
password 111...
password optinal 123123..
Nih Download ajah sepuasnya ^^ jangan Lupa comment ya !!
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